Suburbicon Review
Suburbicon – A Quirky Thriller That Can’t Make Up Its Mind George Clooney returns to directing in this satire of a murder comedy, which is also meant to be a commentary on the modern world. To accomplish this, Clooney has created a story that takes…
On Body and Soul Movie Review
Charming and subdued performances guide the audience through this off-kilter love story. On Body and Soul (Teströl és lélekröl) is a story we have heard before. Two opposites drawn together for a reason neither can explain. Yet, in the hands of writer and director Ildikó…
Top 10 Mistakes Most Low Budget Filmmakers Make
Every film project we work on is a learning experience. This can be big budget to small budget. For the low and no budget filmmakers there are some common mistakes that often get made. Here are the top ten mistakes that most low budget filmmakers…