Song of Granite Movie Review
Directed by Pat Collins Song of Granite is a film about of the sean nós singer Joe Heaney. Sean nós literally means old style. It’s a type of unaccompanied traditional Irish singing and a style of Irish dancing. Shot entirely in black and white we’re…
The Man Who Invented Christmas Review
I feel I should start this review with the statement that I am not a fan of Christmas. In fact, it is my least favorite holiday, and on a regular basis around this time of year, people refer to me as a Scrooge. So, to…
Suburbicon Review
Suburbicon – A Quirky Thriller That Can’t Make Up Its Mind George Clooney returns to directing in this satire of a murder comedy, which is also meant to be a commentary on the modern world. To accomplish this, Clooney has created a story that takes…
On Body and Soul Movie Review
Charming and subdued performances guide the audience through this off-kilter love story. On Body and Soul (Teströl és lélekröl) is a story we have heard before. Two opposites drawn together for a reason neither can explain. Yet, in the hands of writer and director Ildikó…