In my discussion with Kev Bamboo, we spend a while discussing immigration and the reasons why people move from countries and that it is not always by a desire to move but a necessity. And speaking of Coronavirus we talk about roles that would have happened if not for the fact that filmmaking was canceled due to the COVID-19 lockdown.

Kev is a British actor who has been likened to Andrew Lincoln (Rick Grimes from The Walking Dead) and Kristofer Hivju (Tormund Giantsbane from Game of Thrones) when in varying states of beard length! Kev was once the face of Grolsch Lager, where they subsequently turned his face into a work of art!

Kev is the Producer of a film called Mr. Stare written and directed by Elle Osicka. Original music for both BOTTLE & Mr. Stare is Scott Makepeace-Nunn (and potentially a track/music supervision from Kris Park.


To find out more about Kev visit:



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