Decisions (Short Film)
Decisions is a short film that follows a small group of people who are impacted by one persons bad decision resulting in one of them slowly bleeding to death. Now he has to choose what to do about. This was filmed over a couple evenings…
Room To Let (Short Film)
Four random people reply to a room to let add online. Who will be the lucky one that survives the grueling interview process with the current housemates in Room To Let. Directed By: Ferdia Bradley Murphy Written By: Cathal Feeney. Starring: Milo Denison, Maria…
“The Happytime Murders” Review
Usually reviews have a certain structure to them. As the reviewer I might lead you into a false sense of security, setting up a review with the potential of having a positive outcome. It could be a vague introduction that tries to (or feigns to)…
Oh (Short Film)
On a short bus journey the amused passengers listen to a conversation between a boy and his father. Written and directed by Cathal Feeney, “Oh” was a winner at the OFFline Film Festival in 2011
The Children Act Review
“Deftly directed, beautifully shot, Emma Thompson turns out a stellar performance in a film that falls just short of greatness” I didn’t expect to like The Children Act. It has Oscar bate written all over it. It is the type of film that respectable…
Confessions (Short Film)
A young woman regrets a bad decision and goes to confession for help with mixed results. Confessions was the result of a one month film challenge. It was directed by No Budget’s Milo Denison who also co-wrote the script with David Collins.
American Animals Film Review
“A scarcely believable true story about a self-absorbed artist who seeks out his own artificial, self-inflicted inspirational torture, which inexorably leads to a starving artist feasting on prison food” Steal a dime and they put you in jail; steal an art haul and they don’t…
What is An Actors Work Log?
An actors work log is a useful tool that can be used to track hours worked and be sure that you, as the actor, are getting paid correctly. The work log can also be used to track auditions and call-backs. This can be helpful if…