Incoming Film Review
The International Space Station is now a prison – the ultimate black site. The international space station (looks nothing like the actual ISS) has been turned into a floating prison where a handful of terrorists are being held and the Geneva Convention does not apply….
Black 47 Movie Review
A man comes home to find nothing but death during the Irish famine in this tale as old as Ireland – a story of revenge. Black 47 is an Irish take on the classic American revenge western, the events happening with the backdrop of the “the…
Oh (Short Film)
On a short bus journey the amused passengers listen to a conversation between a boy and his father. Written and directed by Cathal Feeney, “Oh” was a winner at the OFFline Film Festival in 2011
Damnation Alley (1977) Review
In a post-apocalyptic world, George Peppard and the guy from Airwolf must team up in a bitchin all-terrain vehicle to drive from California to New York. Based on the book of the same name, Damnation Alley starts off just before a nuclear war at a…
The Children Act Review
“Deftly directed, beautifully shot, Emma Thompson turns out a stellar performance in a film that falls just short of greatness” I didn’t expect to like The Children Act. It has Oscar bate written all over it. It is the type of film that respectable…
Confessions (Short Film)
A young woman regrets a bad decision and goes to confession for help with mixed results. Confessions was the result of a one month film challenge. It was directed by No Budget’s Milo Denison who also co-wrote the script with David Collins.
The Education of Shelby Knox – Review
In my constant attempt to kill time while I should be working, I recently watched an old documentary called The Education of Shelby Knox. The movie was made it 2005 and takes a look at a young girls attempt to promote sex education in a…
American Animals Film Review
“A scarcely believable true story about a self-absorbed artist who seeks out his own artificial, self-inflicted inspirational torture, which inexorably leads to a starving artist feasting on prison food” Steal a dime and they put you in jail; steal an art haul and they don’t…