A Fond Farewell to Every Frame a Painting
No Budget Bids Farewell to Every Frame a Painting If you are not aware of Every Frame a Painting, it is a web series by Tony Zhou and Taylor Ramos. In each episode of the series they take a deep dive into what makes films…
Directing, Practical Advice
Introduction to Storyboards For Filmmaking
Storyboards are often overlooked on No Budget film shoots, usually because a storyboard artist would exceed the budget. But as a director they can be a useful way to get your message across freeing you up to focus on other things. Why do a…
Making Movies by Sidney Lumet
I had had seen a few of Sidney Lumet’s movies but I had never really given him much thought as a director. Yet, after reading this book, I’m amazed at how useful and informative it was, and what an amazing filmmaker he was. While reading…