Jihad Jane – A Heartbreaking Documentary to Watch
Jihad Jane is definitely a documentary one should ought to watch, Ciaran Cassidy and the crew did a wonderful job on creating such a heartbreaking yet magnificent masterpiece that it would be a shame to miss out on. The story follows a number of people…
A Review of the Documentary “Gaza”
“Gaza” draws you in, thinking the strip doesn’t look that bad, and then shows you it is that bad. Imagine living in a place that is 25 miles long and 7 miles wide, and is populated by 2 million people and growing. Then add to…
A Review of the Documentary Movie Diego Maradona
“Diego Maradona” is an insightful look into how we build our heroes up, only to tear them down. Told with archived footage and voice-over interviews director Asif Kapadia opens “Diego Maradona” with an 80 style montage of a car following another car, that cuts back…
The Education of Shelby Knox – Review
In my constant attempt to kill time while I should be working, I recently watched an old documentary called The Education of Shelby Knox. The movie was made it 2005 and takes a look at a young girls attempt to promote sex education in a…
Postcards from the 48% Movie Review
Made in the aftermath of the Brexit vote, “Postcards from the 48%” by David Wilkinson tells the story of why the remain voters voted the way they did, and how they feel about the leave referendum passing. For anyone living under a rock, in June…
David Lynch: The Art Life Review
Watching the documentary “David Lynch: The Art Life” is reminiscent of watching a David Lynch film. It is a bit off-putting and you leave the theatre feeling exhausted, not fully knowing what you just watched, but happy for having watched it. The Art of life…